To be effective when working with non-profits, you will require a practical understanding of general financial statements as they relate to the standards and rules specific to the non-profit sector. This course will help you understand basic non-profit accounting concepts so that you can operate in accordance with non-profit accounting standards.
Identify and interpret a standard set of not-for-profit financial statements
Recognize, read, and analyze the notes of a financial statement
Determine the level of assurance for financial reports
PKF O'Connor Davies LLP
[email protected]
(646) 965-7783
Alexander Buchholz is a partner at PKF O’Connor Davies with over 15 years of public accounting experience, including a “Big Four” accounting firm.
Alex is responsible for developing the audit approach, supervision of staff, and establishing and maintaining the engagement budget. Additionally, he is responsible for coordinating staff and management so that the audit is performed on a timely basis with as little intrusion to client operations as possible.
His expertise is in single audits, internal control/compliance audits, and specialized cost reporting. His industry experience is in healthcare and non-profit entities, including skilled nursing facilities, social service agencies, charter schools, diagnostic and treatment centers, home care service entities, adult homes and other long-term care facilities, special needs entities, and cemeteries.
Alex is also an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in accounting and auditing. He also teaches at the School of Professional Studies of the City University of New York for the Online Business Management Department, Mercy College, and Lehman College.
He conducts internal training seminars for the firm and frequently speaks at outside organizations and associations. He is a former member of the firm’s continuing professional education (CPE) committee, emphasizing single audit training. Alex has written many articles on accounting and auditing topics for a variety of professional publications. (Sponsor Id#: 111889) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: 1685 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite #205, Denver, CO 80222
PKF O'Connor Davies is a new breed of accounting and advisory firm that holds itself to a higher standard – going beyond passive value calculation to active value creation.
With unmatched client focus we unlock real value hidden at key connection points of every engagement – from the industry and resource levels, to the organization and regulatory levels on the regional, national and international levels.
Through these connections, our team of more than 600 top-notch professionals continually drives efficiencies, uncovers opportunities and manages risk – delivering value where others can’t.